Friday, September 16, 2011

If You Think You Need A Better Web Framework...

...then you are identifying the wrong problem.

About two decades after my first exposure to programming (FORTRAN IV on punched cards) I started with the World Wide Web. I carefully crafted a simple HTML page with some <br /> and <i> and <h2> and <p> elements - you get the drift - and opened it as a file in NCSA Mosaic. I do not mind admitting that I was really chuffed. For the next few years after that I did not really program to the Web a whole bunch; when I did it was mostly C and Perl CGI.

Although PHP and ColdFusion emerged at about the same time, I did not use PHP in paid work until about 2006, and then only briefly. ColdFusion was actually my first reasonably high-powered web development language, and I will mention it again in a moment.

I started dabbling with Java servlets just about as soon as they became reasonably viable with the release of Servlet API 2.2 in 1999. Ever since then the portion of my work that has involved web applications has been about 75% Java EE, 20% ASP and ASP.NET, and 5% other (like Ruby on Rails and Scala Lift).

It is at this point that I will make a rather shit-disturbing claim, if you will pardon the language. Namely:

Decent programmers using Allaire ColdFusion (specifically the CFML markup) were as productive in writing useful web applications in the late 1990's as decent programmers are, using anything else, in the year 2011.

By decent I mean average or somewhat better than average, but not stellar.

I have a second assertion to make also, but I will lead into that by referring you to David Pollak's comments about Scala: Scala use is less good than Java use for..., and Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard. I happen to totally and unreservedly agree with everything David says in these two articles. I will supplement his observations by saying that most web application programmers do not have the chops, time or passion to leverage the best out of any language, framework or platform. For example, I think Java EE 6 kicks ass, and I also believe that most enterprise Java programmers will never get enough of the necessary nuances, idioms and sheer facts about the various Java SE and EE APIs, and core Java as of JDK 1.6/1.7, to be particularly good in that environment.

In effect I think you can extend David's argument to almost anything out there. Writing good Java is hard, and writing good Java EE is harder. It is true that writing good Scala is even harder, but why worry about that when most coders out there cannot even write decent C# or Java or Ruby or Python?

Having said all that, here is my second claim:

The specific web framework you choose to use in language X is largely irrelevant. It is irrelevant for the majority of web application programmers because they are only average at best, mediocre or terrible at worst, and so cannot take advantage of the features that make one framework better than another. It is irrelevant for great programmers because they can make pretty much anything work well...and anyway there are bigger problems to solve in application creation.

I mean, let us be realistic here. In my entire web application writing career I do not remember a single project ever succeeding or failing because of the underlying technology. I really, really do not. I have had experience of classic ASP and CGI applications - truly ugly things - that reliably solved their respective problems, for example. And I have had lots and lots of exposure to web applications that failed even with the latest and greatest web frameworks and the best application servers. Do not get me wrong - I can think of more than a few projects that would have failed if lessons learned either in prototyping, or in proof of technology (POT) work, or in early stage coding, had not been acted upon quickly and decisively, and often enough some technologies were discarded and replaced. My point is that, given due diligence and proper research and preparation and project management, I cannot think of any project that failed because of the final, carefully chosen technology stack.

And carefully chosen frequently means nothing more that that it is reliable, your team is reasonably familiar with it, and that there is good support for it. It does not have to mean that it is the best, not by a long shot. I still spend a fair chunk of time now in maintaining applications that selected neither the best language, nor the best libraries, nor the best frameworks, nor the best servers...but those choices were (and are) good enough. The applications themselves sink or swim based on sound software engineering.

The common theme here is that web applications - software applications period - succeed or fail based on tried and true software engineering principles. The various stakeholders talk to each other, people understand what the problem is, and people understand the solution. Let us not forget that all that web frameworks do is help us stitch together functionality - if the functional components are crap, or the designers and developers do not thoroughly understand the stitching (workflow), then it does not matter how great your web framework is.

Keep in mind that most software application teams do not do a great job at analysis or design. It may often be an OK job, but is not usually a great job. A very good framework cannot save mediocre analysis and design. Not only that, if the analysis and design is above average, then almost any framework will do. To reiterate:

The choice of web framework in language X is largely irrelevant.

Do not get me wrong - most of us have our pet frameworks in any given language we use. But that is all those choices are: pet choices.

The next time you interview someone to help with implementation of a web application, ask about MVC or CDI, and various types of controllers, and lifecycles and scopes, and application security, and various types of dependency injection. Please do not nitpick about Struts 2 versus JSF 2 versus Spring MVC versus Wicket versus...well, you get the idea. Seriously, who cares?

Mind you, if someone makes a big deal out of how expert they are at JSF 2, say, it cannot hurt to ask them some really detailed questions. Just to see if they are full of it. But do not waste a lot of time on this.

The web framework you use is relevant to maybe 10 percent of your implementation effort, at most. If it is more you are skimping on something, or it is a toy application. So why is something that is fairly immaterial in the big scheme of things so often blown out of proportion? You get religious wars about Struts versus Spring versus JSF, and in the meantime half your developers do not know how to use JPA properly, do not understand concurrency at all, have never in their life written an actual servlet, their eyes glaze over when you mention coupling and cohesion, and many of them have never written an inner class in their lives. Even better, three quarters of your Java developers know only Java.

A final note: One of my first ColdFusion projects involved pumping HDML and WML out to cellphones, and HTML out to early PDAs (the first Palms and PocketPCs), with the application integrating with credit card payment. This was over a decade ago - nobody else was doing this at all. The application was reliable - totally rock-solid, maintainable, and performant. It was easy to extend and to modify. And I firmly believe that in the year 2011, with your pick of technology stack, that 8 or 9 out of 10 teams could still not do a better job in a comparable amount of time.

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